The CEDRA Corporation is a leading provider of engineering and GIS software and consulting services. Established in 1985, we offer powerful production-oriented software and professional services for public works agencies, tax assessors, planners, utilities, municipalities, and private sector companies. Our software line, including CEDRA-AGsuite, CEDRA-AVcad, CEDRA-AVcogo, CEDRA-AVland, CEDRA-AVparcel, CEDRA-AVsand, CEDRA-AVwater, CEDRA-DataEditor, and CEDRA-DxfExport, is designed to bridge engineering and GIS expertise. We provide a comprehensive range of services, including data maintenance, civil engineering design/analysis, surveying, and mapping tools. Our team has extensive experience in GIS requirements, data model development, software development, database design, data conversion, field data collection, inventory development, integration services, and implementation.